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EnergyGeeks Establishes the First Solar Energy Marketplace in North America
After examining an industry where solar energy transformations at home was a very daunting process,...
100th EnergyGeeks Customer
EnergyGeeks finally hit their first milestone! 100 of their customers have officially switched over to...
EnergyGeeks Partners With the David Suzuki Foundation
In 2016, EnergyGeeks partnered with the David Suzuki Foundation – one of Canada’s most influential...
500th EnergyGeeks Customer
500 customers down, 500 more homes who are directly helping our planet by using solar...
EnergyGeeks Partnership With Mike Holmes Group
In February 2018, EnergyGeeks landed a partnership with Mike Holmes, a fellow Canadian who holds...
EnergyGeeks Raises Funding with EDC
In November 2018, Export Development Canada (EDC) – Canada’s largest financier of clean technology companies...
1000th EnergyGeeks Customer
We’ve reached our 1000th customer to successfully go through the EnergyGeeks process of purchasing solar...
EnergyGeeks Launches in Alberta
In the effort to increase the reach of its solar energy marketplace for the general...